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A month ahead, we bring  you already now as the very first ones the news regarding the EU-Vitenam free trade agreement!

On 12 June 2020, the Agreement on Free Trade between the EU and Vietnam Socialistic Republic (L186/3) was published in the Official Journal.

The respective Agreement signed in Hanoi on 30 June 2019 will come into force on 1 August 2020.

In terms of the customs tariffs application, the following procedure is defined:

If not agreed upon otherwise in the Agreement, each contracting party shall reduce or cancel a tax on the goods from the other contracting party in accordance with their tariffs determined in the Annex 2-A (Customs duties reduction or cancellation) in the supplements  2-A-1 (Union Customs Tariff) and 2-A-2 (Vietnam Customs Tariff).

Original goods customs duties determined in Phase “A” category items in the tariff of a respective contracting party shall be completely removed, and such goods shall be completely duty free from a day on the Agreement effectiveness;

In cases of B3 to B10 designation, customs duties shall be cancelled successively in phases.

Certificate of Origin

EU – Vietnam

  • In form of a standard sentence by the approved exporter according to the Annex VI to the Agreement.
  • Up to EUR 6,000.-, without a need to state the approved exporter code
  • Exceeding EUR 6,000.-, only with the approved exporter number

Therefore, the approved exporter shall ask the permit holders to add Vietnam in a list of approved countries in their permits, or they can issue a certificate of origin according to Item 2.

  • Alternatively, in form of a standard EUR1 document
  • Or in form of the Declaration of Origin (REX), however, only in a moment when this procedure is advised by the EU to Vietnam. In such case, no issues of the EUR1 or declaration by the approved exporter should be applied.

Vietnam – EU

  • In form of a standard sentence by the approved exporter according to the Annex VI to the Agreement.
  • Up to EUR 6,000.-, without a need to state the approved exporter code
  • Alternatively, in form of a standard EUR1 document
  • In form of declaration by the approved exporter in case the value exceeds EUR 6, 000.-.
    1. This option has not been admitted yet. Such system should be implemented first by the Vietnam party.

Presentation of the Certificate of Origin 

For purposes of the application for preferential customs procedures, certificates of origin are presented to customs authorities of the importing contracting party in compliance with procedures effective in the contracting party. The mentioned authorities are entitled to require a translated certificate of origin if it was not issued in the English language.

In this respect, it is recommended any and all sentence towards Vietnam to be declared in the English language.

The PST CLC customs specialists are ready and willing to assist and advise with optimum way of imported or exported consignment clearance within the whole Czech Republic irrespective transport means, including courier services.

Existing as well as new customers can communicate with us through the central control room using the telephone number  595 693 728 or e-mail to

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