Customs warehouses

A strong team of qualified customs declarants at each of our 16 branches throughout the Czech Republic will ensure a smooth customs procedure during the export and import of your goods, always in compliance with valid legislation.


Our logistics centers that we operate in Úžice u Prahy, Modřice u Brna and Ostrava are also approved customs warehouses cooperating with all PST CLC Mitsui-Soko customs declarations.

The customs warehouse enables postponing the payment of customs duties and VAT throughout the period for which goods imported from third countries are stored. If the goods are subsequently exported to a third country, customs duties and VAT are not applicable. In these cases, PST CLC Mitsui-Soko provides complete management of storage and customs records according to applicable customs regulations.

We can also arrange a customs warehouse on the client’s premises and optimally set up all the processes leading to savings resulting from the operation of the customs warehouse.